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Do not take anything as if you are one of the immortals

 Do not take anything as if you are one of the immortals

Do not take anything as if you are immortal

We all know that our lives are short, that future generations are constantly evolving, that they do not like our homes, and that our factories do not satisfy them. If we spend a lot on our homes as if we are immortal forever, it will be a waste and I have seen some people put all their money away. On their homes, they decorated them and lost a lot on them, enough to build two or more houses. When they died, the heirs demolished the house and built a new building on it. So where did the money that you spent go? If you want to build something, do not exaggerate as if you will live forever, and do not mess with your money either and enjoy it in the right way, and make it strong. You can eat, drink, and rest in worship, and if your body is strong, stand up to remember God and pray. For this reason, God will record for you a reward even when you put a morsel into your mouth or your wife’s mouth. It is good intention. The more you increase it, the more good deeds you will receive. Do not be stingy with yourself with good intentions. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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